Hello There!

On behalf of Sole Therapy and the ladies of Beautiful Skin Medical Spa, we would like to wish you joyful holidays and a happy healthy New Year! Here are a few tips on getting the most benefit out of your massage session.



“Helpful Tips on Receiving a Massage

Before a Massage:

Eating: It may be a good idea to postpone eating a heavy meal before your session. Eating a light meal is ok. Massages are very relaxing to the digestive system and would help in the digesting of any food previously eaten. it’s also a good idea to make sure that you’re well hydrated before and after massage.

-Arrival time:  Arriving a few minutes early will help you begin to relax sooner and insure that your massage can begin on time.

-Communicate with your massage therapist before the session:  Give accurate health information and let your therapist know your expectations and reasons for the massage.

-Prepare to Relax!– The more relaxed you become before your massage, the deeper the relaxation you’ll experience at your massage.

During a Massage:

-Relax your muscles and your mind:  Let your body be heavy and sink deeply into the table. Be limp and try not to help your therapist when she move you, i.e…lifting your arm or turning your head to one side. Just relax and allow yourself to be lifted.

-Focus on your breathing: One of the best ways to relax during a massage is to focus on the in and out of your breathing. Take deep breaths in. Breathing helps facilitate relaxation.

-Report any discomfort during your session: Tightening up by contracting or hardening your muscles during the massage is considered counterproductive. Let your therapist know this is happening. They may need to adjust their pressure or technique to help relax the affected area.

After a Massage:

-Don’t get up too quickly:  Allow for some open, quiet time after your massage session. If you’re dizzy or light headed after the massage, do not get off the table too fast. It also may take a little time to absorb the results of the massage session.

-Drink Lots of Water!:  During massage, toxins are pushed out of your muscles and released into your bloodstream. Drinking plenty of water for several hours after your massage will help flush these wastes out of your body, which in turn will maximize the loosening up of muscles and joints and minimize any day-after soreness.

-Schedule follow-up sessions:  Massage has its greatest benefits over time, so the more often you get a massage, the better you will feel and the more quickly your body will respond. From one session to the next, relaxation deepens as the chronic patterns of stress in the body are affected and released. If you’re getting a massage to address chronic muscular tension or recovery from a soft tissue injury, more than one session is usually needed.

-Keep Relaxing!