Reflexology and the Power of Touch

As a Massage therapist and reflexologist, I know a lot about the power of touch. The human touch plays a vital role in or health and well-being. So much so, that “the caress of another person releases hormones that can ease pain and clear the mind,” as stated by U.S. News & World Report. I recently read another article that emphasizes this and you can take a look at it here.

Reflexology and massage should be a part of an overall plan to maintain good health!

As more and more people are discovering, massage therapy, reflexology and healing touch are proving to be extremely good medicine for treating those with chronic diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, depression, and even circulatory disorders. There are several good reasons for this. One being the fact that massage therapy helps move lymph fluid around the body and oxygenate organs and tissues.

Studies show that regular touch establishes your mind-body connection and has been proven to:

Decrease anxiety

Increase the number of white blood cells

Lower blood pressure

Increase endorphin levels (your feel-good hormones)

Help you sleep better

A number of studies have also confirm that being massaged, stroked or held, dramatically reduces stress levels. After massage, the body secretes lower levels of stress hormone cortisol, norepinephrine, and dopamine. These hormones not only make you feel anxious, they can also cause stress related disease, especially heart attack. Reducing their presence through massage lowers stress hormones ill effect.

